Play as a storekeeper who's less concerned with the chaos going on outside your doors and more concerned with running your corner store before, and during, an apocalyptic blip in time.
Interact with all sorts of customers and get into the groove of running a store!

✩ Please comment which ending you got, what day you got security (if at all), and an estimate of how long it took you to play through once.

DevLog 10-11-23 22:44 ✩
✩ Visuals are all WIP, estimate n/a.
✩ Storyline towards the end (days 6-8) in editing/rework stage, estimate n/a.
✩ Comments always 


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I play as a person who mans a convenience store and observes the world slowly unfolding  into chaos , I got the resignation ending. I sorta enjoy how accepting and matter-of-fact the character is, such as just accepting the shipment of survival supplies and ammo- seems like a pleasant character haha. The images also helped convey the game very well, overall a fun game!

You are a store owner and an apocalyptic happens, but even so you still go back to work repeating this long cycle.  I got 1/4 : Restoration ending. After a while everything went back to normal and apocalyptic end as quick as it started. Some of the images didn't make sense to me. It didn't really fit in with story and felt random. I would also add the ## CLEAR before going to the next day. But the rest of the images work every well. Showing how the store be and is. There was a costumer that really needed his something dino apocalyptic thing.

I play as a store owner working through the apocalypse. I got the ending where I closed up shop and went to go find my parents. The game was super well made and I liked how there were subtle changes with each choice I made as the days continued. Even though the images were placeholders the images worked well for building up the environment you were in, and the fish ones made me laugh.



Wow! This game is *extremely* well done & engaging! 

You play as a storekeeper before & during the apocalypse. You maintain a daily routine, and through it, you watch the slow descent into the apocalypse as strange creatures begin to take over, one even entering your store at some point. I ended up getting the 4th ending: Resignation, where I gave up being a storekeep and went to visit my family. Overall, the game is extremely engaging to me, as the routine feels like a genuine routine that you fall into as you play. First, open the store, restock, mop the floors, interact with customers, repeat. However, what keeps it entertaining are the slight changes. Personally, I loved interacting with the customers and seeing what would change, or what commentary they had to say about the changes in the outside world, prices, or how they would interact with me. 

Nothing really interrupted my playthrough, except for the photos (which I understand were placeholders for now). I really liked the fish one :pray:. I do kind of wish you could explore outside somehow? Like, if it doesn't already exist, being able to walk around and see these creatures or how the outside world looks? Since you can't really see anything due to the news coming from the words of a radio or the words of customers. Besides that, I really love the idea and execution of this game! It's really successful, and I definitely wanna try to get all the endings!


You are a person running a store during some apocalyptic event. I got the customer death ending. I didn't run into any issues but I would have liked something a little more to break the monotony of running the store every day.  I know the visuals are placeholder but I liked how they made this feel a little like a point and click game. 

I play as someone running a convenience store, while the government releases monsters and causes the apocalypse. I got the ending where I kept running my store and the government recalled the monsters. Overall the daily routine is nice and the customers are all really fun, but it threw me off when there was a customer in the store when a monster attacked, and after shooting the monster the customer was still there like nothing happened. I enjoyed the visuals for the most part, but it was a little tedious at first that every single option forced the game to scroll. I got used to it eventually though. Also I'm assuming the customer images will be different from just the store images! I liked that the customer who I chose not to shoot came back and fixed my windows :)


I play as a cornershop owner who runs their store through the impending apocalypse. I got ending 1/4

The fact that you could repeat some encounters that felt like they should be isolated/one-off was a little distracting (talking to the delivery guy multiple times about the same thing, selling a gun before you learn that you stocked guns, etc) but otherwise I didn't find many issues.

I loved the visuals even though they're a work in progress! The writing and worldbuilding was simultaneously silly and very serious, I loved all the different characters you get to interact with and how your player character is jsut kind of totally chill about the apocalypse going on around them. The entire tone of the game is fantastic !! love it



I play as a convenience store owner when a monster apocalypse starts and I still have to assist all my customers and do my daily duties. I got ending ¾ where an angry customer shot me :( . nothing really hindered my playthrough. The fish pics were silly and the first one scared me because I thought it was a monster. I really liked all the other pictures though so I knew what kind of store I was running.  A memorable part was being killed by a HUMAN even though I wanted to die by a monster.

You play as a store owner during an outbreak of monsters. I got the ending where a customer kills me over some Jimmy jurrasic's  doomsday dino dunkers. My favorite part was when it said "there's some trash on the floor" and in the picture there is like hundreds of cans on the ground, and also when I found that fish. There weren't any technical issues, but I did find it a little concerning that I kept finding the fish when I was just trying to go to bed. I thought the pictures were good and definitely helped the experience. I was also impressed by the length of the game.

I played as a person who runs a little corner store! I got the customer death ending. I think the visual helped me see the state of my store and helped establish the setting, but I didn't get the feeling my store was clean. A customer complimented me for my clean store but based of the pictures I thought it was a bit more chaotic. Some of the actions I thought I had to do more than once since I can repeat them multiple times a day not knowing that it was the same interaction over and over again.

You play a person who runs a corner store during the apocalypse. I got the ending where you choose to stay in the store and eventually the apocalypse goes away and everyone is happy :) i like the use of the daily routine, and I really got into the rhythm of checking everything and running my store! I also liked the different customer interactions, you were able to define the different characters really well. I think the only thing i wish was different (other than completed visuals) was that certain options would go away once i clicked them, because i found myself at the beginning reclicking options like the radio to see if anything changed. Great work in progress though, can't wait to see it finished!

I play a person who runs a store and lives a life that seems the same but is actually different every day. I reached the third ending: Customer Death. I love how the daily routines are repeated throughout the game, and while they look the same, they are different in detail. Another part I really like is the option to greet customers, the adjectives are interesting and their conversations are lively.

Since I often need to repeat some actions during the exploration of the game, I always want to choose different options, and I think this directly led to my death. Overall I love this game! It is very close to life but has some unusual elements.